List of All Solo Leveling Arcs (Anime/Manhwa/Light Novel)

Solo Laveling Arcs

(Anime / Manhwa / Light Novel)

Solo Laveling Arcs

Solo Leveling revolves around Sung Jinwoo, who gets a second shot at life thanks to a mysterious system that lets him level up. With an epilogue included, there are a total of 22 arcs in the Solo Leveling manhwa. You can find Solo Leveling on Crunchyroll for the anime, Tappytoon for the manhwa, and Webnovel for the web novel.

Solo Leveling has been a massive hit since its debut, starting as a web novel and later being adapted into a webtoon. The webtoon adaptation skyrocketed its popularity, boasting numerous action-packed story arcs. The recent anime adaptation has only added to its acclaim, drawing even more fans to the manhwa. So, if you're ready to embark on your hunter journey, dive into this handy guide detailing all the Solo Leveling arcs in chronological order.

Here's the rundown of Solo Leveling arcs as of 2024:

Now, let's dive into the adventures of Sung Jinwoo, who's given a chance to fix his life and save humanity. With 22 arcs, including an epilogue, the manhwa offers a thrilling ride.

Arc Title Light Novel Chapters No. Webtoon Chapter No. Anime Episodes No.
D-Rank Dungeon Arc 1-7 1-10 1 and 2
Reawakening Arc 8-12 11-12 3
Instant Dungeon Arc 13-16 13-17 4
Dungeon & Lizards Arc 17-24 18-24 5 and 6
Dungeon & Prisoners Arc 25-35 25-34 TBD
Yoo Jinho Raid Party Arc 36-45 35-37 TBD
Job Change Arc 46-55 38-45 TBD
Red Gate Arc 56-64 46-55 TBD
Demon Castle Arc 65-75 56-61 TBD
Retesting Rank Arc 76-79 61-64 TBD
Hunters Guild Gate Arc 80-92 65-75 TBD
Return to Demon Castle Arc 93-110 76-89 TBD
Jeju Island Arc 111-127 90-107 TBD
Recruitment Arc 127-135 108-110 TBD
Ahjin Guild Arc 136-150 111-122 TBD
Double Dungeon Arc 150-164 123-131 TBD
Japan Crisis Arc 165-182 132-139 TBD
International Guild Conference Arc 183-199 140-149 TBD
Monarchs War Arc 200-224 150-166 TBD
Final Battle Arc 225-243 167-177 TBD
Epilogue 244-270 178-179 TBD
Academy Arc TBD 180-200 TBD

Where to Watch or Read Solo Leveling?

Curious where to begin your Solo Leveling adventure? Here are the platforms to watch or read it:

  • Crunchyroll (Anime)
  • Tappytoon (Manhwa)
  • Webnovel (Web Novel)

Solo Leveling boasts some of the most captivating arcs in manhwa history, guaranteed to keep you hooked with every chapter. The Job Change arc, Demon Castle arc, and Jeju Island arc are standouts, so gripping that even my Editor, a devoted fan, recommended them to me. I found myself unable to put the manhwa down one night, reading until 4:00 AM.

With the anime still ongoing, we're eager to see how A-1 Pictures adapts all the arcs. If you've already delved into the Solo Leveling webtoon, share your favorite arc with us in the comments below.

Credits & Copyright: Beebom


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